Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Here in Philadelphia we celebrate the New Year with an age old
tradition -The Mummers Parade. This parade is over 100 years old. It goes on no matter how cold it is here. There have
been a few years it was postponed due to rain or high winds but normally it's a go on New Years day.

In it's inception men were the only participants. Individual clubs would come up with a theme, design their costumes, choreograph the routines, play the music and put on the most spectacular performances. These clubs are family rights of passage. Most clubs are made up of great grand fathers down to newborns just a few days old. They practice all year long just to march down Broad Street and do the Mummers Strut!

After the parade is over the real celebration begins. Many of the
South Philly residents who have participated in the merriment
proceed to 2nd Street and have a party of their own.

Whatever you do to ring in the New Year enjoy, be safe and remember, Don't Drink and Drive.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Create Memories that last forever!

This Holiday season if you have small children you don't really know what will be the one thing of their childhood that will be the most memorable. Of all the gifts I received growing up, I only remember two things my barbie collection and my grandmothers silver trees each year. The tree is the one thing I always think of around Christmas. Back in the 70's this was the rage and if you had the color wheel to make it change colors you had something special.
No matter what you think is the hottest gift or the thing you spend the most money on, your children will probably remember one thing when they are grown.
Wishing everyone a Merry, Blessed, Happy, Safe Christmans.
This is not my actual family tree, it was found on the internet - I don't know what that brown thing in the lower right corner is.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


It's my birthday!

I'm 47 - WOW! So close to 50.

I look forward to my birthday every year. I enjoy getting singing birthday greetings by phone from family and friends, some of whom I haven't heard from in a year, but they always remember my birthday.
We have a standing family tradition. The entire family gathers for dinner and cake and the meal is picked by the person who's birthday it is. I am allowing my husband to choose the meal, he says he wants it to be special this year.