Why do people leave valuables visible inside their vehicles? I don't know if this is a problem in your city but where I live people are constantly leaving expensive items on the seats of their vehicles and going about their business. They return to find their windows broken, the items missing and they don't understand why. Another thing I don't understand is why people leave their vehicle running with all their keys hanging in the ignition (house keys too) and go into a store to make a purchase, then come out and it's GONE! What did they expect to happen? Do you think car theives and burglars aren't coworkers, not only do they have the car but I'm sure something in the vehicle has an address on it.
With the way the economy is going right now, desperate people are going to do desperate things. Be mindful of your surroundings and secure your belonging out of sight.
How true. We must be careful. People are becoming desperate. I would probably steal to feed my grandkids if that was the only way!!
I read your profile. You must be the greatest blessing in the world to your mom. What sweet things you said about her. She did a great job raising a daughter who is appreciative!
I found your blog through smoking knitting needles.
You are right, God is Good. I am really happy about this Kiva thing.
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