Sunday, September 28, 2008


Do you have a stash of buttons?  On a recent visit to Mom's, I had my latest issue of Threads Magazine with me and she saw the cover with all the buttons and brought up a favorite family quest we had when I was a child.  The Great Button Hunt.  She had an old tin can (the kind you get 2lbs of cookies in) filled with an assortment of buttons old and new.  When she needed buttons for something she was making, she would get out the can and pick one button and my sister and I would have to hunt through the can to find the rest for her project.  She later told me she got her love of buttons from her mother.  They would visit thrift stores and grandmom would buy old blouses take them home and remove the buttons and put them in her stash.  What a great idea!  Although my button can is not nearly as large as Mom's, I think I might make a few visits to the local thrifts to see what button treasures I can find. 

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hard to imagine

Lately I've been having headache's which are rare for me. Sewing was difficult, reading was pushed aside and I just didn't feel like myself. After two or three days of this I had to see the doctor. Come to find out I need glasses! This was the family joke for a few days, but I feel much better. My son is in full swing at his new High School. The principal met him at the front door and practically dragged him to the gym to sign up for the football team. He was reluctant at first but gave in after a few days of prodding. Although basketball is his first love he is coming around to this football thing. I'll post photos of their first game on Saturday.